Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Just in the St. Nick of Time: Christmas Calendar

For as long as I can remember, my family has displayed the same felt Advent Calendar each year during Christmas time. One day in December, my sister, mom, and I would throw on our Christmas records (yes, you read that right...RECORDS) and don the house with red and green cheer. Our dad helped bring the boxes down from the attic...and he shared in finishing Grandma Chizik's onion dip, but he's more of an observer than a participator in the decoration department. Works for us! 

I can't remember the last time we bought something new for the Christmas decor. We use the same cross-stitch NOEL hanging, the same ornaments we made in elementary school, the same ceramic village. Oh, I remember now. My parents bought a fake Christmas tree a few years ago after years of cleaning up rogue needles. Ba. Hum. Bug. ;)

And each year we roll out the same felt Advent Calendar, hang it up in the hallway, and wait for each new day as we get closer and closer to December 25th. Ours has little plastic figures that pull off the calendar and get placed as ornaments on the felt tree. I love our Advent Calendar, but some day when I have my own family I think it might be fun to do something simple like these stuffed envelopes. Each new day brings a new adventure. I just love the EXPERIENCE of it all. I know my mom is making a beautiful quilt calendar for my sister's family for next year (ps. mom, I still have the pattern), but it might be fun for the girlies to use this one this year. 

Isn't this such a great idea?
Stephanie Marie

Photos courtesy of pinterest: 1 and 2.