Warning: This is a post about love, but not in the normal sense of the word. If you're in love, you may want to just move onto the next blog on your reader :)
I truly believe that February is a slut. It's the most used month that I can think of: It's black history month. It's five-dollar-foot-long month. It hosts Groundhog Day, Presidents Day, Leap Day, the Superbowl, the Grammys, the Oscars, and of course, the beloved, Valentine's Day. What isn't in February these days?! To be fair, it's not really February that's bothering me per se; I probably wouldn't be bothered about the promiscuity of February if it wasn't for that last little, seemingly insignificant holiday. But, since MLK Jr. Day past, Valentine's Day has been taking over my life. It's all over pinterest, it's on my favorite blogs, it's in my email inbox. "Deals to help you plan your romantic getaway!" "The perfect gift for your stylish someone!" "Who are you sleeping with on Valentine's Day?" (True story. Ick. I just pulled those all directly from inbox subjects.) Attack of the pink hearts and red valentine's crafts!
I'm not usually one of those people who wishes that I had a boyfriend for the sake of not being alone on a holiday. I liked celebrating Christmas and Thanksgiving with my family and my family only this year. I didn't cry at midnight when no one kissed me to ring in 2012. I won't be holding an I Hate Valentine's Day Party like in that terrible movie (ehem: guilty pleasure). I respect Valentine's Day. I respect people who are in a committed relationship and want to celebrate that. I respect the desire for one day full of love and roses and candied hearts. But this year, for some reason, being single during the Valentine's Day push is just sucking the big hairy one.
I feel like I should either embrace the lovey dovey by watching crazy amounts of romance movies and reading romance novels OR OR (that wasn't an error, but merely another movie reference...anyone?) I should completely reject the lovey dovey and go for the exact opposite. Anyone want to join me for a Psycho marathon? ;) Anyone have any ideas on how I can survive the first few weeks of February without looking jaded and lonely. Because I'm not jaded and lonely, I'm just not into a holiday for twosies twosies when I'm a onesie onesie (bonus points for anyone who can name that church-camp song).
Dear Valentine's Day,
Stephanie Marie
Photo courtesy of pinterest.