Friday, March 4, 2011

Weekend Wonders: Camping in Joshua Tree

I'm going camping this weekend in Joshua Tree! I'm so excited. I've been wanting to go camping since the day I moved to California almost four years ago! (I need to start doing instead of coveting...lesson my mom tried to teach me.) I love picnics, hiking, walking, just generally being outdoors, so I'm super excited to go somewhere new. The only scary part is that this is a huge annual climbing/camping trip that my friend Tara takes every year with like 80 other people. Holy crap, that's a lot of strangers! Anxiety, attack! Luckily, my friend Tara is amazing, and she promised to hold my hand the entire weekend ;) I'm sure it'll be fine, but if you have anxiety you know how I feel. Anywho, I came across these photos on pinterest today in anticipation of my camping trip. Don't they just make you want to run into the woods?!

Have an amazing weekend!!


PS. My sister and her husband are attending a wake for her college freshman roommate (and good friend throughout the past few years). I just want to send my thoughts out to the universe to be with them all this weekend. I'm thinking of you two. Love you.

Photos courtesy of Pinterest 1,2,3.

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