Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend Recap: March 9-11

Prepping for dinner with the girls Friday night.
Horses on the BWI Trail Saturday.
Hay bails in Susquehanna State Park on Sunday.
Wine tasting at Mt. Felix Winery post Sunday hike.
This was one of my busiest weekends EVER. Or at least it felt like that :) But it was also one of the best weekends ever, so maybe that's saying something!

I met up with several girlfriends (Amy and Michelle for dinner Friday, Annie for dinner Saturday, and Verity for a hike and some wine tasting Sunday), had some quality time with my parents, and even got in some outdoorsie stuff on what I'm hoping will turn out to be a trend called spring! If the amount of stuff that I do when the weather turns nice is any indication of what my spring and summer are to look like, then I can't wait!

I'm so excited!

How was your weekend? 

Stephanie Marie

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