Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Top Ten New-School-Year Resolutions

I recently read that the brains behind Jones Design Company said that she believed in making resolutions at the new year and again at the beginning of the new school year. Although I don't have kids and I'm not going back to school, I like the idea of creating some new resolutions for the new seasonal cycle. And since fall is my favorite season (did I mention that already?), I'm ready to try some new things. So, here are my back-to-school resolutions:

1. Plan a camping trip! I keep talking about how I want to go camping, but for some reason it's been really hard to get out there and do it. A coworker suggested KOA, which has cabins.

2. Eat at a restaurant with my hands! I'm going to have to venture out into D.C. land for this one, I suspect, but I think the trip will be worth it. I've been dying to eat with my hands for ages. They make it look so fun in movies like Along Came Polly and Sabrina (the one with Harrison Ford). Marrakesh near Mt. Vernon looks quite promising.

3. Go hiking! I have been trying to set up a hike for AGES now out here on the East Coast to no avail. Well, folks, I am determined to see some local nature, and if I have to go it alone so be it!

4. Feast in the fields! There's a group that does this each year and I've been dying to try it. However, I don't love the small fortune you have to pay to do it with them. So when I came across this event at Slack Winery in Southern Maryland, I about jumped out of my seat! Have I signed up yet? No. For some reason, I'm having issues doing this as a single lady. Why does it feel so different to do things with girlfriends rather than with a boyfriend? Ugh. Must. Buy. Tickets.

5. Go antiquing...or flea marketing...or barning (future post about this coming).

6. Volunteer! I've actually contacted the fine people of the South River Federation to see if I can help with the oyster spat project. If that doesn't work out, I'll be looking into this organic farm volunteering. (Travel opportunities for volunteering article here for inquiring minds.)

7. Read a book at a coffee shop! I just want to get out there and change up my atmosphere a bit. And nothing says comfort to me like a big fuzzy blue chair next to a fire.

8. Travel locally! Charlottesville, VA was just the beginning! I have dreams of visiting Occoquan, VA; Frederick, MD; and Williamsburgh, VA. Of course, in my dreams I'm walking around hand-in-hand with country singer Josh Turner or Ryan Reynolds. Double swoon. However, considering they're both taken, I think I'll see if a girlfriend wants to accompany me. I have a few tricks up my sleeve anyway. Havre de Grace with Verity, my friend from grad school. I can make it work :)

9. Hold a dinner party! Or girls' movie night. Or game night. You name it, if it's a group + staying in + wine, I'm in!

10. Get creative! Be it sketching, painting, sewing, jewelry making, or cooking, I'd like to get my hands dirty :)

Stephanie Marie

PS. I made these Explore, Dream, Discover to-do lists based on a saying by Mark Twain. You can print them on a normal piece of 8.5x11 paper. You likey?

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