You have been quite a year. Quite. A. Year. Better than 2010 by FAR, but I have faith that 2012 will be even better. It could happen :) Don't get me wrong, 2011, you brought me much happiness and independence. You allowed me many opportunities to see my family and East Coast friends, I got to visit with my West Coast friends more than I expected, I've been busy EVERY weekend doing things that I love, and we've been healthy, happy, and employed. You've been a true friend.
But you haven't been perfect, 2011. You've made me feel like a vagabond. I moved three times in your year. My belongings reside in as few as three different homes...although I own one of those homes, so thanks for that :) You've also taken too many lives of friends who were too young to die. Too many funerals, too many tears, and too many sad "reunions." And for those reasons, 2011, I still look forward to a better year--next year--which will bring less sadness and fewer moves than you offered. (Oh, and don't you just love how I put in there an example of less v. fewer for you fellow grammar geeks?)
Instead of wallowing over what I didn't like about you, 2011, let's highlight the good! Someone once told me that at the end of the year, if you don't cry from sadness or happiness, then you've done something wrong. Well, when I look back at this past year, I don't really want to cry, but I do remember many amazing times. I think I've been reminiscing more about this year than any other year of my life. What a whirlwind it has been! Ups and downs, ins and outs. I have so many things to be grateful for, and so many memories that I will keep with me always. "These are the days of our lives" haha
So, without further ado, and in no particular order, here are the most memorable moments that I have been continually thinking about for a few weeks now, here are the Outstanding Achievements of 2011:
Best Smile: My BRAND NEW CAR! Come on down, Bob Barker! Look at that face. Isn't she a cutie?
Most Likely to Succeed: In my opinion, you're going to succeed if you have 1. wine, 2. water, 3. nature, and 4. great friends or family! I had all four on my trip to Ventura with Bonnie and Suzie. So many great memories from that short weekend! Good times.
Most Athletic: I completed my very first 10K October 15th! Holler! It took me a little over an hour, but I didn't stop AND my mom went with me for support. Love her for that :) I entertained the idea of running a 15K this year, but ended up with shin splints. Oh well, at least I can say I did a 10K. An now, back to the 5K grind.
Best Dressed: My condo in San Diego is by far the best dressed thing of 2011 ;) I showed you every nook and cranny here. Ain't she a beaut?! I may or may not have to "undress" her soon, so I can get longer-term renters, but for now I can still daydream about my blue couch and mini bar.
Class Clown: My trip back to San Diego for the Sugarland concert was an amazing one. That Jennifer Nettles sure is one crazy hoot. I got to visit with so many of my fabulous West Coast friends/family on that trip. I love you like family; let's just call you family :) Dressing up like cowgirls is always a good time.
Most School Spirit: Two of my college friends got married this year...actually, more than that, but I was only able to attend two of them. Laura's was in Pittsburgh to a sweetheart named Brian, and Willie married a beautiful girl named D'Anna in St. Michaels. Such different and fabulous weddings!
Best Couple: Kath and Michelle! Thanks for traveling cross country with me, ladies! I can't believe I never posted pictures from that trip! Bad, Stephanie, bad! Wow. I do want to say, though, that this single event has allowed me to do so many more things with my friends and family. If my life was a book, so far moving back to Maryland was the climax...all other events so far have hinged on that fact alone. Anywho, this is the type of thing that is only possible because I moved back. Oh, and thanks to my best "couple" for helping me pack, move, get over it emotionally, and just generally have a bang-up time with me. Love you two!
Most Popular: I had an Oscar Party with my girlfriends while still in San Diego and it was a HIT! We played bingo and ate Oscar-dress-worthy food. No muffin tops for us! I'm going to have to make that an annual tradition, I think. Loved it!
Most Improved: My attitude on trying new things! Tara took me camping/rock climbing in Twenty-nine Palms and, although many things scared the living poop out of me, I ended up really enjoying the experience. I will be camping and hiking more in 2012, you betcha.
Most Changed: This year I tried to pump up what I wear in an effort to show on the outside what I feel on the inside. A happy outfit makes a happy person, yes? :) This was by far my favorite outfit of the sparked several friends to try a new do or a broach the very next day. Love that!
Most Memorable: Moving onward and upward from a toxic relationship that encompassed my mind, body, and soul. Ugh. I made many many small steps toward becoming the person that I am today. It makes me 100% happy to say that I'm not the same girl I was six months, one year, five years ago. Yes, being that person made me who I am today. But I needed to move on. Today I am a more independent, happy, and fulfilled person than I have ever been. It has taken so many hours of therapy, days of grieving, weeks of losing myself in TV, months of crying, and one whole year of moving on (and moving). But you know what? I needed all of that time...and space. Because I'm a better, stronger person for it. And yes, of course, I still think about it almost every day. It's a part of who I am. But today will be better than yesterday (side note: I blocked he-who-shall-not-be-named's number this morning), tomorrow will be better than today, and next year will be better than this year.
Life sucked for a little bit, but it happened, and I'm standing here today smiling because of it. Go me! :)
So, what was your favorite moment of 2011? For you? For me? For Charlie Sheen? Man, would I love to see that guy's superlatives for 2011. Most Athletic: tiger's blood. Best Couple: the twins. Most School Spirit: winning. You crazy, Charlie Sheen, you crazy.
Get out there and be super, friends!
Stephanie Marie
PS. I got this idea from YoungHouseLove, who does this every month.
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